Sacred Money Archetypes™️
Here is your valuable overview of all the 8 Money Archetypes
Read the description of your top Money Archetype first.
After that you read number 2 and 3 of your personal Money Archetypes.
Are you curious?
Read all information about the other archetypes. Some Money Archetypes feel distant for you, others influence you as well. That is possible. Each Money Archetype is good and beautiful. They all have their strengths and challenges.
Start Overview
JEANET BATHOORN // FreedomEntrepreneur®/
bestseller (co-) author of 7 books.
Brand Owner of VrijheidsOndernemers®.
Organizer of Mastermind groups and Retreats so that you can become a successful entrepreneur.
Creator of the annual Freedom Entrepreneur Cruise.
Certified Sacred Money Archetype™️ Coach and NLP Master Coach.
My story?
From country girl to business woman.
Jeanet Bathoorn
P.S.: Freedom in your Money Mindset. You want that as well?
Go to >> Brand new Money Archetype training "The Land of Milk & Money'
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