
Your Money Archetype is:

"Money gives Freedom ..."

The Celebrity is you if ...

Do you recognize yourself in the Celebrity? Or in your clients? What are the triggers? The Celebrity as an entrepreneur shows leadership. The Celebrity will help other entrepreneurs professionally with making a good impression (branding, styling, visibility, marketing). They live from luxury and serve as a role model for others who live to sober and uncomfortable. The Celebrity loves beautiful clothes, gadgets, and wants to stand out. The Alchemist is also called the inner Big Shot.

The Celebrity is you if

  • you love being recognized anytime you're generous
  • your business often includes a lot of visibility, celebrity or making a big impression
  • you love to stand out in the crowd and impress people

You can see some of the traits of the Celebrity as an entrepreneur. This type of entrepreneur shines and enjoys the spotlight and at the same time they cannot allow themselves to be vulnerable and show their true self.  

How would your business change if deeper knowledge about your Money Archetype would help you in generating with more sales?  

And even better, how would your confidence grow if you would recognize the Money Archetype of your prospects and clients?  

Money brings Freedom. Money enables you to do what you want to do. To invest in yourself, to travel, to live healthier, to move.   

Breakthrough in your Money Mindset with Land of Milk and Money

Land of Milk and Money? What is that?

A new 8 week group program 'How to Improve your Sales by Understanding Your Relationships with Money and the Money Archetypes'

  • 1
    Create a sustainable change in your money mindset. Forever. You can never go back to thinking small. Simply not possible.  
  • 2
    Consistent inspiration to generating more cash flow.  You learn to attract money, not with vague actions but with practical exercises.  
  • 3
    Learn to love money. Are you unconsciously repelling money? You earn some money and you lose it again? Breakthrough this pattern. 
  • 4
    Deep insight in your own money pattern and that of your clients. You learn to recognize patterns and their underlying beliefs and thoughts. We will get rid of inner voices.  

Yes, I start my journey in the Land of Milk & Money!

100% Upside Down Guarantee!

That is the best of working on your mindset. Once you have seen and felt the change in yourself you can never go back to the old situation. That is my 100% Upside Down Guarantee. If you are doing the work, accomplish the exercises and are prepared to question your own thoughts, you are ready for success!   

You and Money, a happy combination?

Money. A topic you'd rather not think about.  

Money. You would like more of it in your life. 

Money. You don't want to come across as greedy.   

Money. You know it needs your attention.

Money. You have the feeling that your money mindset is stopping you in your development. 


You also aim for freedom, isn't it?


Yes, I start my journey in the Land of Milk & Money!

JEANET BATHOORN  // FreedomEntrepreneur®/
bestseller (co-) author of 7 books. 

Brand Owner of VrijheidsOndernemers®.

Organizer of Mastermind groups and Retreats so that you can become a successful entrepreneur.  

Creator of the annual Freedom Entrepreneur Cruise.

Certified Sacred Money Archetype™️ Coach and NLP Master Coach.

My story?
From country girl to business woman.


Jeanet Bathoorn

P.S.: Freedom in your Money Mindset. You want that as well? 
Go to >> Brand new Money Archetype training "The Land of Milk & Money'

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