Jeanet Bathoorn
Jeanet is thé Dutch Freedom Entrepeneur
She is a straight forward, no-nonsense business coach for self employed entrepeneurs who make a living out of their knowledge. Experts like authors, speakers, coaches and consultants
With her unique framework she guides you to building a thriving online business whilst having more freedom and feeling aligned.
Let's Talk About You
The reason that you are here is that you might be looking for more freedom in you life, isn't is?
You have worked so hard to get to the point where you are at now. You wrote a book, recorded podcasts, shot videos, spent hours in trains and cars to deliver your speech or workshop to the clients. You haven't raised your prices in ages.
You know you are the expert, but something is off.
You do not achieve the results you want. People with less knowledge and skills take over. You grow your frustration every single day. When COVID-19 hit the world, you knew one thing for sure: you want an online income stream.
Welcome in the world of becoming a freedom entrepeneur
Work 4 Months Per Year?
What is worth more in your life? Always working until you are too stressed out ... or ... having a business that supports your deepest wishes?
Imagine working 4 months per year and having the freedom to spend the time of the other 8 months on the important things in your life. Your family, your education, your hobby, your travels, whatever freedom is for you.
My name is Jeanet Bathoorn and I finally found my freedom. I didn't stop experimenting and learning during the last 10 years of my entrepreneurship. I built an online business, with freedom and the lifestyle that I needed. My family benefits from my choices. I spend more time at home, and I earn more money.
Every decision I make nowadays has to apply to one rule: "does the outcome bring freedom?"

You can work with me if we can consider you to be an expert. You are either an author, speaker, coach, artist or performer, consultant, interim manager. Your business depends upon your knowledge and unique skills. Without you the show doesn't go on. You aspire an online income stream. Now more than ever.

About Jeanet Bathoorn
My entrepreneurial journey started in 2005 culminated in being the Freedom Entrepreneur I am now. A bachelor in international marketing couldn't have prepared me for who I am now. A published bestselling author, an international speaker, certified NLP Master coach, certified Sacred Money Archetype coach and a no-nonsense business coach. I used to be the organizer of the annual Freedom Entrepreneur Cruise.
Jeanet is an excellent coach and great mentor. She delivers more than she promises. She has had a real interest in me as a freedom entrepreneur and chased me when my concentration went down. I can really recommend Jeanet and her programs. She is no nonsense but has a human touch. Hats off to you Jeanet.
- hans Bouscholte | International (TEdx) speaker,
Volvo ocean Race Sailor and Worldchampion -
Freedom is a Journey
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