Jeanet Bathoorn
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295. Sigrun: how to build an online business and become a selfmade millionaire (English)

From Uncertainty to Entrepreneurial Success: The Journey of Sigrun

Sigrun's story is one of resilience and determination. Starting her journey as an exchange student in Rotterdam, where her most vivid memories revolve around "Enkopi coffee," Sigrun's transformation into a successful entrepreneur is nothing short of remarkable. This blog explores her journey from uncertainty to self-made millionaire, highlighting the invaluable lessons she learned along the way.

Early Experiences in the Netherlands

As a young student, Sigrun spent two months in Rotterdam. Despite facing cultural and language barriers, it was the small things, like the local coffee, that left a lasting impression. These experiences laid the foundation for her ability to adapt to new environments, a skill that would prove crucial in her entrepreneurial journey.

Identity Shift and Self-Development

The real transformation began when Sigrun, after losing her job and battling health issues, faced the harsh reality of being deemed 'unemployable' in Switzerland. This period of adversity forced her to radically change her life and take control of her destiny. She describes starting her own business as the only choice she had, a decision that marked the beginning of her new life.

The Power of Online Learning and Community

Sigrun's path to recovery was significantly enhanced by an online course she enrolled in back in 2013. Although she initially did little with the course, the real value came from the community she found on Facebook. Witnessing others progress from zero to success reignited her belief in the possibility of online success. This experience underscores the importance of role models and community in the process of personal and professional growth.

Role Model and Influence

As an entrepreneur, Sigrun quickly realized that her actions, however small, inspired others. She began sharing her journey and achievements, not just as proof of her success, but also to motivate others to take their own steps forward. This aspect of her story highlights the importance of transparency and sharing within the entrepreneurial community, especially for women.

Women and the Conversation About Money

Sigrun also emphasizes the importance of discussing finances, a topic often considered taboo, especially among women in Western Europe. By being open about earnings and success, she aims to promote gender equality and encourage women to achieve financial independence. This part of her narrative is crucial for understanding the impact that financial independence can have on personal freedom and self-confidence.


Sigrun's journey from an uncertain student to an influential entrepreneur is not only a testament to her personal strength but also a call to all women to embrace their potential, regardless of the obstacles. Her story serves as an inspiring reminder of the power of resilience, community, and the importance of role models in the journey to success.

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